This month I finished another two projects, one is this rustic doll that I saw in a magazine and started almost 1 year ago.
This is the other project, it was in my mind since I saw it in a magazine and I thought it will look great on my table joining a pie made with pears from my tree and a cup of tea. Well after daydreaming another year with that, it remained ready! I believed that it was worth, the pie just last one day and the smiles of my family for the happiness and the visual well cost a year of waiting. Ha ha ha
No es eso quitarle a nuestra obra el encanto divino de la espera y la creación? Asi preparamos nuestras comidas? Asi esperamos vivir?
So many times I did meditate about how terrible is living under stress and how it have affected us that we want to finish anything in just few minutes, and we forgot the joy and patience of enjoying minute by minute our work. On the contrary we always want to see the work ready because in our mind we already chose something more and we are in a hurry, hurry up! hurry up! I want to finish...
Is it not taking away the divinity of patience to our work? That´s the way we prepare our food? That´s the way we are living?
La paciencia es un árbol de raiz amarga pero de frutos muy dulces.
Proverbio Persa.
Patience is a tree with bitter roots but very sweet fruits.
Persian Proverb.