This month we celebrated the birthday 55 of my husband and as you can see, he even not represents his age, but he thinks the contrary, ha ha ha.
We celebrated with a delicious lunch in a fun and different place. It is a new restaurant called Delirio, so it was!
To the end of the month I went to Pachuca, Hidalgo for a patchwork curse. I arrived one day before to check everything and to do some sightseeing.
I walked downtown of the city, it is pretty small but has some interesting buildings.
Their big clock is the landmark and proud of the people in Pachuca, it was made for the same company than Big-Ben in London.
There are many constructions where we can appreciate the step of the Europeans that lived here and were in charge of the industrialization of the mining city.
This door design inspire me to do a quilting or maybe an Italian trapunto.
In my walked, I found this pastry shop in which they offer the most delicious and beautiful cakes that I ever seen in my life. So sad they did not allowed me to take pictures.
At the hotel where I was, they were exhibited the famous "Tenangos" of Hidalgo. They are pieces of fabric embroider with colorful designs that represent the Otomi cosmology.
I got the opportunity to bay one for me, I love the richness of the colors and the shapes.
Me sentí muy feliz de verlas tan entusiasmadas y sonrientes.
Next day I started my course with the 29 teachers. I felt very happy to see they very enthusiastic and happies.
Here they very concentrate, studing the techniques and doing diagrams.
Estoy feliz de poder transmitir lo que he aprendido a personas que lo van a compartir con otras alumnas.
At the end, the results of the techniques, shapes that look very complicated and full of work resolve in just few minutes.
I feel very happy to be able to share my knowledge with people that are going to do the same with others.
Lo que con mucho trabajo se adquiere más se ama.