Our poor dog "Bolillo is very old, I took him this photo and it seems to say: -.I am tired, let me alone, I am going to sleep ALL ENTIRE DAY, isn´t it cute?
Carmen Y Malú, muy guapas y sonrientes!
This month I had the honor to share a class with two groups of students, the ones of tecamachalco the regulars at my studio, well they were not all, but even when I wished all they came it wasn´t a reason to not enjoy the moment and cherish the friendship.
Here is Carmen and Malú, very nice and smiling!
It had enough food and conversation. Although we worked as well. Here are Nicole and Esther working like little bees.
Gracias chicas, por esta mañana tan especial!
Here are Elizabeth and Nicole very nice and concentrated, that´s the reason they do beautiful things, right?
Thank you girls for such a especial morning class!
pero finalmente lo hizo y de una manera exitosa! Felicidades Laura!
In the afternoon class Laura showed me a project that tooks to her almost a year to finish, finally she did it and in successful way! Congratulations Laura!
I was contracted again to give a course at the end of the month in the state of Pachuca and I have been very busy designing and making instructions to it, it will last 24 hours.
Estoy muy contenta por eso, pues eso significa un gran reto para mi y una buena experiencia más para mi curriculum como maestra de patchwork.
I am very happy with this, because that means a big challenge and a good new experiencie to put on my curriculum as a patchwork teacher.
Un amigo es aquel que sabe todo de ti y a pesar de ello te quiere.
Elbert Hubbard
A good friend is that, that knows everything about you and in spite of it he loves you.
Elbert Hubbard.
Lucy que padre que pusiste las fotos!! hay que volver a reunirnos antes de que acabe el año. Estuvo muy divertido.