I was forgeting to tell that in the time we must be at home, I re experience doing weaving , I made a little sampler in this little frame, it was very fun.
But I had so many things to finish, knits, quilts, patchwork, bags and some improvements at home that I should not start anything new for a while.
This chair belonged to my workshop since 17 years ago, it was the favorite of the seamsstres. It was in a corner for almost 6 years, so we decided to get
Last week we were invited to a party for a girl that is going to get married, so I didn´t want to go shopping and I desinged this apron with to little towels to her.
It´s so relaxed to make things with my hands to share!
No tengo muchas cosas que decir este fin de semana, solo que ya inicié mis clases y estoy muy feliz de tener este pequeño grupo de mujeres enriqueciendo mi estudio y mi vida con su presencia, estoy agradecida a la vida por esto.
I don´t have so much to tell this week end, just I started my classes and I ´m happy to have this little group of woman enriching my life and studio, I am greatful with life for it.
She is Angelica, here is showing me very proud the first quilt she made with dedication and patience for her daugther, even when she works all week.