Esta vez ,quiero platicarles que la hija de un amigo que vive en Alemania, vino a casa de visita por 10 dias y bueno una vez más disfruté de la enriquecedora experiencia de ser turista en mi País. Decidimos llevarla a varios lugares importantes y tambien a Teotihuacan a visitar las piramides. This time I want to tell you a friend´s daughter came from Germany to visit us for ten days, and well again, I really enjoy to the enriched experience to be a tourist of my own Country. We decide to took her to several important places and visit Teotihuacan as well .
Increidible that part of the colors had survive untill now!
Here are Melissa and me with the pyramid of the sun in the back.
Que maravilloso es comer cuando se ha caminado bastante!!
How wonderful is to eat when we had walked so long !!! De regreso a casa ví este anuncio que es el típico sombrero mexicano que se conoce en todo el mundo, claro lo viste un chico moderno, pero sin querer tomé una foto parecida en Teotihuacan. Back home I saw this ad that shows the typical mexican hat, it is well known all over the world, of course it is wearing by a modern boy, but by accident I tokk a picture alike in Teotihuacan.
Aqui esta un chico actual vistiendo el mismo sombrero, que casualidad verdad?
Here is an actual boy wearing the same hat, what a chance really?
Yesterday Melissa decided to prepare us a dish she used to eat in Germany.
Marión y ella se apoderarón de mi cocina para deleitarnos con sus platillos. Marión and her they seized my kitchen to delight us with her dishes.
Mmmm, luce bien verdad? Bueno tambien sabía delicioso!! Ella preparo la pasta y todo, gracias Melissa estuvo riquisimo!!! Mmmm, looks great isn´t it? Well, it tasted good too! She prepared the pasta and everything, thanks Melissa it was delicious!!!